Khuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare Society
+91 96666 18313
Sanathnagar Hyderabad, T.S
Khuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare Society

Skill Development Workshops

Organizing workshops and training programs to equip individuals with valuable skills such as computer literacy, vocational skills, and entrepreneurship training to enhance their employability and income-generating potential.

Empowering Futures: Skill Development Workshops by Khuddam Welfare Society

Welcome to our Skill Development Workshops—a gateway to unlocking untapped potential and creating pathways to success. At Khuddam Welfare Society, we believe that acquiring new skills is key to personal growth, economic empowerment, and community development. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing opportunities for individuals to enhance their talents, broaden their horizons, and build brighter futures through our diverse range of workshops.

Our Mission:

We are on a mission to empower individuals with the skills they need to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving world. Through our Skill Development Workshops, we aim to equip participants with practical knowledge, hands-on experience, and confidence to pursue their passions, fulfill their aspirations, and contribute meaningfully to society.

Key Areas of Skill Development:

Mehandi Design:

Delve into the intricate art of mehandi design and learn the techniques to create stunning patterns and motifs. Our workshops offer hands-on training, expert guidance, and creative inspiration to aspiring mehandi artists of all levels.

Computer Skills:

In today's digital age, proficiency in computer skills is essential for personal and professional growth. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your existing skills, our computer skills workshops cover a wide range of topics, including basic computer literacy, software applications, coding, and more.


Unleash your creativity and master the art of tailoring with our comprehensive workshops. From basic sewing techniques to advanced garment construction, our experienced instructors will guide you through every step of the process, helping you develop the skills to bring your design visions to life.

Summer Camp:

Our summer camp programs offer a fun and educational experience for children and youth, providing a variety of activities, workshops, and recreational opportunities to keep young minds engaged and inspired during the summer months. From arts and crafts to sports and outdoor adventures, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

How You Can Get Involved: Whether you’re interested in learning a new skill, honing your existing talents, or giving back to the community, there are plenty of ways to get involved with our Skill Development Workshops. Attend our workshops as a participant, volunteer your time as an instructor or mentor, or sponsor a workshop to support others on their learning journey.

Join Us: Together, we can create a culture of lifelong learning, creativity, and empowerment. Join us in our mission to provide accessible and inclusive skill development opportunities for all members of our community.

Stay Connected: Be sure to follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about upcoming workshops, registration details, and ways to get involved. Together, we can inspire, educate, and empower individuals to reach their full potential and achieve their dreams.

Thank you for your support, your enthusiasm, and your commitment to lifelong learning and skill development.

How would you like to donate?

Bank Transfer UPI

Bank Name: HDFC Bank


Account Number: 50200096209768

IFSC: HDFC0002398

Branch: Sanathnagar

UPI Details:

Phonepe UPI ID: 9666618313@axl

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)