Khuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare Society
+91 96666 18313
Sanathnagar Hyderabad, T.S
Khuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare Society

Marriage Assistance

Marriage Assistance by Khuddam Welfare Society

Welcome to our Marriage Assistance program—a beacon of hope and support for individuals embarking on the journey of marriage, especially those facing financial challenges. At Khuddam Welfare Society, we understand that marriage is a significant milestone in one’s life, and we’re committed to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to celebrate this special occasion with dignity and joy.

Our Mission:

We are on a mission to provide comprehensive support to individuals and families in need as they prepare for marriage. Through our Marriage Assistance program, we aim to alleviate financial burdens and provide essential items and resources to make the wedding day a memorable and joyful experience.

Key Areas of Support:

Material Assistance:

We provide essential items such as cots, beds, crockery, cupboards, and other household necessities to help newlyweds set up their homes. These items are crucial for creating a comfortable and welcoming environment as they begin their married life together.

Clothing Assistance:

We offer assistance with wedding attire, providing dresses and suits for the bride and their families. By alleviating the financial burden of purchasing wedding attire, we ensure that everyone can look and feel their best on this special day.

Financial Assistance:

In addition to material support, we also provide financial assistance to orphan girls and needy individuals to help cover the costs associated with marriage ceremonies and related expenses. This support enables them to celebrate their union without the worry of financial constraints.

How You Can Help: Your support is crucial in enabling us to continue providing assistance to those in need as they prepare for marriage. Whether through donations of material goods, financial contributions, or volunteerism, your generosity can make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and families facing financial challenges.

Join Us: Together, we can make a positive impact and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to celebrate love and union with dignity and joy. Join us in our mission to support individuals as they embark on this important journey in their lives.

Donate Today: Your donation can make a world of difference to someone preparing for marriage. Whether it’s providing household items, clothing, or financial assistance, your contribution can help make their wedding day dreams a reality.

Thank you for your support, your compassion, and your commitment to helping others celebrate love and union in a meaningful and dignified manner.

How would you like to donate?

Bank Transfer UPI

Bank Name: HDFC Bank


Account Number: 50200096209768

IFSC: HDFC0002398

Branch: Sanathnagar

UPI Details:

Phonepe UPI ID: 9666618313@axl

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