Khuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare Society
+91 96666 18313
Sanathnagar Hyderabad, T.S
Khuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare Society


Empowering Cart Vendors

Providing Carts for Sustainable Livelihoods At Khuddam Welfare Society, we’re committed to empowering cart vendors and supporting their journey towards sustainable livelihoods. One of the ways we do this is by providing carts to individuals who rely on street vending for their income. Here’s how our initiative works: Identifying Need:…
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Emergency Relief Assistance

Providing immediate assistance to individuals and families affected by unforeseen emergencies such as natural disasters, accidents, or sudden financial crises, offering food, clothing, and other essential supplies Extending a Helping Hand: Emergency Relief Assistance by Khuddam Welfare Society Welcome to our Emergency Relief Assistance program—a beacon of hope in times…
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Skill Development Workshops

Organizing workshops and training programs to equip individuals with valuable skills such as computer literacy, vocational skills, and entrepreneurship training to enhance their employability and income-generating potential. Empowering Futures: Skill Development Workshops by Khuddam Welfare Society Welcome to our Skill Development Workshops—a gateway to unlocking untapped potential and creating pathways…
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Marriage Assistance

Marriage Assistance by Khuddam Welfare Society Welcome to our Marriage Assistance program—a beacon of hope and support for individuals embarking on the journey of marriage, especially those facing financial challenges. At Khuddam Welfare Society, we understand that marriage is a significant milestone in one’s life, and we’re committed to ensuring…
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We believe that awareness is the first step towards positive change. Through community outreach, workshops, and campaigns, we raise awareness about important issues such as health, hygiene, drug, smoking ,education, gender equality, and disaster preparedness. Raising Consciousness: Awareness Initiative by Khuddam Welfare Society Welcome to our Awareness Initiative—a platform dedicated…
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Financial Assistance

Financial hardships should never stand in the way of individuals pursuing their goals and aspirations. Our financial assistance program offers support to individuals and families facing economic challenges, providing them with the resources they need to overcome obstacles and achieve financial stability. Our goal is to offer a helping hand…
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Educational Support

Education is the key to unlocking opportunities and breaking the cycle of poverty. Our educational support program provides tuition assistance, and educational resources to disadvantaged children and youth. By investing in education, we empower individuals to reach their full potential and build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.…
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Clothes Distribution

Clothing is not just a basic necessity; it’s a source of dignity and comfort. Our clothes distribution program aims to provide individuals and families in need with quality clothing items. Through generous donations and partnerships, we ensure that everyone has access to clean, warm clothing, regardless of their financial circumstances.…
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Blood Camp for Thalassemia Patients

Thalassemia patients often require frequent blood transfusions to manage their condition. To support these individuals and ensure a steady supply of blood, we organize regular blood donation camps to support thalassemia patients and others in need of blood transfusions. These camps play a crucial role in saving lives and raising…
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Monthly Food/Ration kits Distribution

We believe that access to nutritious food is a basic human right. Through our monthly food and ration distribution program, we provide essential supplies to families facing food insecurity. That’s why we organize monthly food and ration distribution drives to provide essential supplies to families in need, ensuring that no…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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