Khuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare Society
+91 96666 18313
Sanathnagar Hyderabad, T.S
Khuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare SocietyKhuddam Welfare Society

Skill Development Workshops

Organizing workshops and training programs to equip individuals with valuable skills

Emergency Relief Assistance

Providing immediate assistance to individuals and families affected by unforeseen

Financial Assistance

Financial hardships should never stand in the way of individuals pursuing

Clothing and Essentials

In addition to clothing, we also provide essential items such as blankets, hygiene kits..
1 +
Days Completed

Founded In 2024

About Us

khuddam Welfare Society

Khuddam Welfare Society is a grassroots organization driven by a passion for social justice and a commitment to empowering communities. Founded 2024, our society has been a beacon of hope for the marginalized and underserved populations.

Join us as we continue to make a difference, one life at a time. Together, we can create a world where every person has the opportunity to thrive and fulfill their potential.


Our Initiatives & Services

Road Side free Drinking Water

We believe in the importance of caring for our community, especially during the...

Monthly Food/Ration kits Distribution

We believe that access to nutritious food is a basic human right. Through our...

Blood Camp for Thalassemia Patients

Thalassemia patients often require frequent blood transfusions to manage...

Clothes Distribution

Clothing is not just a basic necessity; it’s a source of dignity and comfort...

Educational Support

Education is the key to unlocking opportunities and breaking the cycle of poverty...

Financial Assistance

Financial hardships should never stand in the way of individuals pursuing their goals...
Join Us

We invite you to join us on our journey towards a more just and equitable world. Whether you choose to volunteer your time, make a donation, or simply spread the word about our cause, your support can make a world of difference.



Once you’ve done so, write to us at with your transaction number and personal details like name, email ID, mobile number and PAN number, so that we can issue your tax exemption certificate.
Get in Touch

Don’t hasitate to contact with us for inquries!

“Join our movement for change! Your support fuels our mission to empower communities. Donate now and be a part of something meaningful. #NGO #MakeADifference”

24/7 hours customer support

Join Us To
Support Us

+91 96666 18313

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)